School Parking Lot Procedures - PLEASE FOLLOW!
Good day, RKT Families,
I have attached a map of our school parking lot and surrounding school grounds. There are areas indicated where you are not permitted to drive and/or park. For the safety and security of all in our school, and most especially the children attending our school, you need to consistently follow these parking lot procedures every day. The safety of our students is compromised when people do not follow these procedures, even when you feel there are no students around or you are arriving late or the weather is unpleasant. Procedures are procedures, so please ensure you do your part in helping keep our school community as safe as possible. This is a collective effort by all who attend and work in our school. The Kiss and Go Lane is available and you can always park on the street, like many of our families do, in order to drop off or pick up your children.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of those families in our community who are already following our parking lot procedures. Many of our families are following the procedures every day and this is noted and very much appreciated. However, it takes the efforts of all families. Please pass these procedures along to any members of your family who may be dropping off or picking up your children.
The first page of the November Newsletter goes through the specific procedures for using our parking lot and there is a map attached for your reference to provide additional clarity for everyone. Please review the Newsletter, which can be found on our school website under the News Section.
Thank you,
Ms. Graham